It’s Time to Talk Organics Collection for Your Business

In conjunction with recent changes to waste collection for residential locations in Edmonton, the need to separate organics in all industrial, commercial and institutional locations is coming soon.

Better for the Environment

Diverting waste from landfill by separating organic material reduces methane production, a gas that’s worse for the earth than carbon dioxide. Finished compost used as a soil additive helps reduce the need for chemical fertilizers, improves soil water retention (preventing erosion) and lessening the impact of drought.

Integrity Waste Solutions partners with local argriculture to redistribute finished compost in the community.

Better for Your Business

Using organics collection services in addition to your existing recycling and waste services can reduce your waste handling costs by reducing the (more costly) waste going to landfill.

Fits Your Location

With options for different bin sizes, regular collection on your schedule, and options for bin sharing with neighbouring businesses, organics collection from Integrity Waste Solutions is the right way to go.

Want to Learn More?

Download the Organics Collection program flyer for additional details including acceptable items for your compost bin.


Integrity Waste Solutions Announces New CEO